1 Corinthians 8–10: Can Christ-followers Dine with Daimonia (demons/godlings)?

Bailey Camryn Graves
1 min readDec 15, 2020

Evil Spirits (Demons)

Foot soldiers of the army of satan

Demons equated with pagan gods

demon; daimon (greek)

Olympion gods (Daimons)

  • anything between humans and gods
  • demons are intermediary beings that live between humans adn gods

Daimons control birds, lighting, magic…

live closer to earth, more powerful than humans, not as powerful as gods

(almost god beings)

Souls of the dead; greek magical spells

Ambiguous (not evil)

Can quickly freeze rivers and seas

You can speak to your own daimon

Socrates declares he has an internal Daimon in apology

Jewish Apocalypticism

The septuagint: idle (Daimon)

Greek never compare Angels as Daimon

Enoch: dramatic story of rebelious angels

Text paints them as evil spirits

Procreate with human women and create giant children

Dead Sea Scrolls: Evil angels

(fallen angels are demons)

All in all, Christ followers cannot dine with Demons considering that Jesus cast out demons of men. Demons were considered fallen angels and are an intermediary between God and humans.

